
Home Again: Early Experiences Of Post-Deployment Stress By Erin Finley

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Introduction In the early 1960’s, the United States had sent combat troops to South Vietnam for the purpose of defending South Vietnam against the communist North Vietnam and to spread Democracy. The Vietnamese War was the longest war in the history of the United States and it costed 58,000 American lives, as well as almost two million Vietnamese deaths. According to the digital history article, the war, among others, damaged the economy, weakened the military morale, and brought distrust in the government. It was also estimated that 830,000 veterans suffered from PTSD, of which almost half of them were deeply affected to the point of being labeled disabled. (Introduction to the Vietnam War, 2006) The Vietnam War was unpopular by many, it …show more content…

A lot of soldiers faced many challenges upon returning home. Their experiences of war followed them home, sometimes mentally, sometimes physical and emotional responses to the world around them. Those responses could now be referred symptoms of PTSD and to understand soldiers’ responses, it is necessary to understand what those triggers were. According to Finley, one thing that happened when they came back home was a change in how they viewed the world around them, for example, certain sights, sounds and smells triggers them to react in a certain way. Sometimes when some hear sounds of cars backfiring, they think it sounded like gunfire. Triggers are what prompt certain memory when they see or smell something that reminds them of their time in combat. Another thing that some soldiers' experience is anger, somethings triggers them to get angry out of proportion. There is also feeling of shame and guilt, of failure. Maybe they failed to do something while on combat or feeling responsible for the deaths of people Guilt is one of the reasons why some have difficulty sleeping at night. We all saw this in Ronny life. In the movie, after Ronny was injured, he was sent to the Bronx Veterans Administration hospital to recover from his wounds. The condition of the hospital was terrible and it was because the government not giving enough …show more content…

However, at the protest, he saw how the police attacked the protestors at Kenn State University. After that he started getting drunk, fights with people and his family. He was not the same Ronny as when he first left to war. That person is lost; he doesn’t feel like himself and is trying to make sense of things. He felt guilt and that he failed because he killed people. He realized once he was shot in the leg, he could’ve laid there but he had to be the hero. That is when he got shot the second time. He said he was stupid for that, and for what? Through the movie, there was no mention of PTSD, but he was showing all the signs and people didn’t understand. While drunk, Ronny started saying that “everything they told us is a lie!” meaning the government, about the

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