Homeless Education Case Study Essay

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Description of the Problem Mr. Tate is a new assistant superintendent in a district that he is readily familiar with having more than 12 years combined experience as a teacher and assistant principle within the district. Upon taking on his new role, the case study did not clarify if Mr. Tate was given a clear description of all of this responsibilities or program oversight. In this particular case study, it was established that the district not only did not have a designated Homeless Liaison at each of their school buildings, but rather a Homeless Liaison for the entire district; namely Mr. Tate. Since Mr. Tate was unaware of his role as the district’s Homeless Liaison, it was evident by the conversation with the general education teacher that district staff had not been trained on the McKinney Vento homeless identification process and definition. Since less than 10% of the school district’s students were identified for free and reduced lunch it may have been inferred that the school did not have to conduct annual training on identification and school service requirements for homeless youth, although this was a gravely wrong misconception. Even more troubling was the misunderstanding of the general education teacher and initially of Mr. Tate, of the definition of homeless youth. Specifically, those students whose families move …show more content…

The student should be offered transportation to and from the school, to ensure the students’ education continues with as little disruption possible. Tutoring and support services should be offered at the school or through a Targeted Title program, even if the students do not otherwise meet the qualifying