One of the longest running TV series of all time is the Simpsons. The Simpsons are an animated sitcom that uses satire to depict the “average” American family. The Simpson Family consists of Homer (father), Marge (mother), Bart (Son), Lisa (daughter), and Maggie (baby). The in 2007 did something that they never previously had done. The Simpsons hit the big screen. The major motion picture about Springfield, the home of the Simpsons, and has just about everything possibly imaginable. Springfield however has a very large problem, they pollute a lot. It was not until Lisa Simpson proved to the town how polluted the local lake was that change was instituted. After Lisa saves the lake, the city institutes local trash/ recycling center, but Homer …show more content…
One instance of Bart displaying TMT is when Ned Flanders (Simpson’s neighbor) gives Bart a pat on the back instead of yelling at him when Bart dropped the fishing rod in the lake. This is something that Bart never receives from his father and at first Bart flinched but then began to enjoy the positive reinforcement; asking Flanders to continue. This is one of the effects of TMT. According to TMT one of the effect is that self-esteem is enhanced and agreeing more with positive feedback …show more content…
Towards the end of the movie Homer comes back asking for Bart to help him, but Bart turns him down initially, and says, “No, I can’t do it. I want a father who is the same in the morning as he is at night” (The Simpsons Movie). This is because Flanders showed him what it is like for a fatherly figure to be there and Flanders also connected Bart with god. This is one effect of TMT. Becoming more religious and believing more in supernatural things (Heflick). While the Simpson do go to church often once the dome was placed Bart began to go more and pray with Flanders. This is evident towards then end of the movie when it becomes clear that the Simpsons are done for. Flanders takes Bart to church to pray and then bean to discuss how to respond when the go to