Homicide Among Black Men Essay

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Homicide among black men in the United States is at an all-time high and is at an alarmingly high rate among young black men, ages 15 to 24. This is a disproportionately high number compared to other races in the United States. Violence, specifically homicide by the intentional misuse of firearms, has become a cultural norm among the African American community. While it may be considered a norm to many, it does not mean it is not abnormal. This is where research comes in. Identifying the causes of high homicide rates will help people understand the reasons behind the high statistics. This does not condone what is happening but may shed some light on the situation. Social problems among the African American community are leading to many young deaths and creating a cycle that is hard to escape. The cycle begins with single parent homes living in concentrated poverty. Exposing children in these families to gangsta rap music that promotes the code of the streets and the intentional misuse of firearms among each other are part of the cycle also. Delving deeper into these problems will help us understand what makes young men decide that the only option is to kill another person. Black young men from inner cities, between the ages of 15 to 24, are at a …show more content…

If he continues to hear about people shooting each other due to a lack of respect, then he will begin to see that as a social norm. Although there are many different reasons for shooting a person, when the code of the streets is presented in rap music repeatedly as the reason, many young black men treat the music as their version of a bible. In religion, the Bible is a guide for a person to live their life by. This rap bible, created by artist’s lyrics, is the reality for many young black men living in inner cities. The rap bible creates glorified role models for these