Homophobia Definition Essay

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In today’s society the word homophobia can be heard and is used quite frequently. Unfortunately, it is not being used in the correct terminology. There are many different definitions of what homophobia is. If we break down the word we come to see “homo” means “same sex” and “phobia” means “irrational fear of something”. In the Merriam Webster’s Dictionary the word was defined as, “Irrational fear of or aversion to homosexuals.” In Bryne Fone’s book Homophobia: A History the word was defined as, “Antipathy to homosexuals and condemnation, loathing, fear, and prescription of homosexual behavior.” Despite the multiple definitions we could locate for this word, they all come back to the root meaning that “Homophobia” is a fear of homosexuals.
Homophobia has taken on a whole new meaning in the twenty-first century. Homophobia is not being portrayed as a fear of homosexuals rather as a prejudice towards this specific group of people; It is the uneasiness and aversion to change that has the power to create this so called fear. When someone has a fear of someone or something take sharks for …show more content…

We see this word being used incorrectly everyday. Many people are under the false assumption that if you do not agree with homosexual relationships or their lifestyle than you are homophobic, in reality that would be considered sexual prejudice. In The Term ‘Homophobia’: It’s origins and Meanings, and its uses in Homosexual Agenda it noted, gay writers and activists believe the term homophobia has been condemned, as is inaccurate and is inappropriate. This term should not be used because it is misleading and is a sinister smear by those who oppose equal rights and homosexuals