Homosexuals In Nazi Germany Essay

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In Nazi Germany most homosexual men were killed or died from disease,“The Nazis believed that male homosexuals were weak, effeminate men who could not fight for the German nation. They saw homosexuals as unlikely to produce children and increase the German birthrate” (Persecution of homosexuals in the Third Reich). In Germany, during 1928 around 1.2 million members were homosexual, between the time of 1933 and 1945, around 100,000 men were being arrested and charged for being homosexual. An estimated 5,000 to 15,000 men that spent time in regular prisons, and we're sent away to concentration camp as punishment. Gay men were viewed as weak to the Nazis, and that it threatened their country’s overall masculinity. Because of that assumption, …show more content…

“Similar to other camps, as the Nazis were becoming dangerously close to defeat they began a death march, where all of the prisoners were marched on foot, many miles towards Dachau” (Binning) . The Homosexual prisoners would be forced to walk many miles at a time, with no stopping. Many victims would die from exhaustion. Homosexual prisoners were recognized by the pink triangle on their chests. Survivors state that the Nazis treated homosexuals the worst out of the jews and disabled (“ The men with the pink triangles”). In most concentration camps, people had colored shapes on their clothing to better identify The jews from the homosexuals and so on. Prisoners were told apart by different colors and shapes. Homosexual prisoners were marked by pink triangles on their chests. Around the time between January of 1933 and June of 1935, an estimated of 4,000 men were convicted- around 4 every day, for an “unnatural sex act.” “Ironically, after the end of World War Two, homosexuals in the now occupied Germany who had somehow managed to survive their treatment were afforded little if any support as homosexual behaviour was still deemed a criminal offence. In West Germany the law against homosexuals remained in place until 1969.” While the law against homosexuals was in place, the homosexuals managed to

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