Honesty Self-Expression In Fight Club

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The connection between, being like water, and honest self-expression lies in being able to truly express yourself in whatever situation you may find yourself in. The connection is being your honest and total self, regardless of the conditions. Bruce also asserts, “To express oneself honestly—not lying to oneself, that my friend, is very hard to do” (Lee, Bruce. Interview with Pierre Burton. Pierre Burton Show. 1971: Television). Lying to oneself would be to tell yourself you honestly express yourself when in reality, you do not. To simply have to the courage to express oneself honestly, and wanting to partake in the art of expressing oneself honestly may very well be the most difficult part. A similar point is brought up in another indicative work of fighting as a form of self-expression, Fight Club. …show more content…

From the perspective of The Art of War the question can be asked, how can you ever expect to be a commander, a leader, a person of substance, if you are not even familiar with that which is of most vital importance to the state? You are not imbued with the “Force.” From the perspective of Bruce Lee, it can be said that, you do not know yourself. You have never honestly expressed yourself, therefore you are incredibly unaware of what you are capable of. You are lying to yourself. You do not display

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