Honor Culture In The Illiad

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This division of ideals is something that we deal with as a society everyday. It is the basis of our government, and to think that the showing of one sidedness has been proven wrong since, “The Illiad” shows that the concept must be somewhat accurate. However, in the case of George Washington, he believed that a traditional, one party system should be implemented. Some would argue he is the best president our country has ever seen. So, this is where the debate is seen. Is a balance of ideas more ideal than building upon one perspective? I believe so, because I believe balance is important in every aspect of life, and the organization of this life shall be no different. The honor culture is a culture that believes that avoiding insult and commemorating …show more content…

This can be easily translated into the fear vs. respect argument that many parents must face today, in learning how to raise their kids. Even further extending from the household, the government may sometimes have to decide between fear and respect as means of controlling their society. In the Asian culture, fear is the dominantly used system of control, seen by the concept of “tiger parents”, that seems to be dominate in Asian cultures. However, general opinion in our community seems to tell us that Asians are the “smarter” group, amongst all of the races. This is however a stereotype, and is purely subjective, but the mass “acceptance” of this stereotype would lead one to think that there is a hint of truth in it, for the theory would not be so widely accepted had their not been constant evidence of this within these communities. Also, without the discipline that may come from the shame culture, some may say that kids may grow to be spoiled, and bratty. Aside from that, without a strong system of punishment, kids may not grow to accurately understand the difference from right and wrong in their community. So here it can be seen that the shame culture has benefits exclusive to the culture, where the honor culture may be