
Honor In Sappho's Poetry

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From what I have learned over this past semester, I have gathered information that I will most definitely carry with me through life, and others I honestly do not even remember right now. In order to easily summarize my learnings from these past few months, I have compiled that honor is always important, power can be exercised in many different ways, and it is always better to know your worthiness in order to express it. In some works, it was easier to clarify true meanings behind them, but it could also be difficult to get any deep life lesson out of it that could carry over into my everyday life. For example, honor was a repetitive topic throughout the Iliad, and I am still unsure how I am supposed to assert how honorable my father was to …show more content…

Throughout Sappho’s poetry, she exhibits absolutely heart-wrenching stanzas about how badly she needs love, and how she can never go on unless she has it: “my sweet mother, please, I can’t weave any longer – a youth’s desire overwhelms me, the work of tender Aphrodite” (Sappho 102). She is a hopeless romantic who does not believe she could survive if she does not have love. Love is her way of life, her oxygen. Everyone, at one time, thinks they have been in love. The idea that they have found the person that they could drink in for the rest of their life and never be thirsty again. However, love does not just display itself outright for you to easily find. If love was not a challenge to achieve, it would not be so special. After deciphering Sappho’s poetry, I have determined that love has the ability to cripple even the strongest people. You can crave someone so much, and that person could be the one to never crave you in return. Love – when you find it – should be something so simple that it is equivalent to breathing. It is natural. Love is being able to tell strangers about how in love you are and not caring how crazy they think you are. Love can be a heart-wrenching emotion that leaves you speechless (38). It is a feeling that leaves you over the moon, over the stars, over the fence at the World Series in love, infatuated, with someone. They enter your life, completely alter it, and then have the …show more content…

In order to exist, you need to come from something before you. Those things come to exist by nature, which have causes and principles, and not by chance (Book 1:17-23). With this idea, that means everyone is connected in some way. Everyone on the Earth is connected, in beautiful, universal harmony. Everything also comes to be for a reason, providing evidence that there is nothing on this Earth that does not belong. So all of those people who feel out of place in the universe actually are meant to be here. They are here for a purpose, maybe one they have not found yet. Everyone and everything on this planet was placed here for a cause, and that could be something that encourages you to get out of bed every morning. If you were not meant to exist, you would not be here. And yet, here you

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