Honors College Experience Essay

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The honors college consists of very interesting teachers. I ended up choosing a teacher who is related to my major and who I have the highest grade in. Professor Espana who teaches College algebra gave me a lot of information pertaining to the honors college and herself. She has an amazing personality especially when it comes to teaching. She really cares about her students and know that they are capable of big opportunities. This is honestly my first time interview a teacher. It really didn’t feel like an interview to me but more of a simple conversation. I’m still not used to office hours since in high school the teacher were literally walking around but it’s useful for some one on one time. The information I learned from professor Espana is useful and surprising at the same time. I didn’t know that she was an original teacher of the honors college, and has been working as a teacher for the honors college since 2002. That’s experience that goes all the way back and she been encouraging students because she knows what it takes. I asked her what she felt about the honors college. I learned that she believe that the honors college is a wonderful opportunity for students to come, and …show more content…

A lot of people can say that they are avoiding teaching because it isn’t a fun job. Grading also isn’t the most entertaining aspect of teaching, words of professor Espana. The pay isn’t as stable as it used to be. Why did you become a teacher? I learned that she wanted to be a teacher ever since she was a child. Professor Espana said “At a young age, I would take my dolls and put them in a circle and teach them”. I found this information significant because she found joy in teaching at a young age before money was even in her interest. Sometime it isn’t entirely about the money, but it’s whether you find enjoyment in what you’re actually doing. I found the