Hoosier Energy Cover Letter

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I am pleased to have an opportunity to apply for the position of President and Chief Executive Officer of Hoosier Energy. I have a track record of continued responsibility and accomplishment throughout a twenty-five-year career in the electric industry. As the current CEO of Central Electric Power Cooperative in South Carolina and as a former Hoosier Energy employee, I believe I present an exceptional and unique set of qualifications and skills that would be beneficial to Hoosier Energy’s members for years to come. I work well with established, talented teams as well as with teams that need to refocus on core achievements using leadership skills I’ve attained over a life-time to improve moral and instill a culture of execution in a personable, yet business-like, manner. …show more content…

During this period, I have led the staff and forty-member Board through a collaborative effort to develop strategic opportunities for members to proactively embrace intentional plans and policies that set the organization on a path to continued long-term success; all while always keeping a resolute focus on competitive rates and world-class reliability As an organization, we have built our strategic plan on a mindset of “existing for the benefit of our members” with a vision of “representing the interests of the most unified and successful member cooperatives in the nation.” I continually challenge myself and the staff to recognize that our cooperative exists for the sole purpose of serving our member distribution cooperatives and ensuring that each cooperative member has the tools they need to provide world-class service to their consumer members; residential, commercial and

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