Hope In Elie Wiesel's Night

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Have you ever thought about how it would feel to be in a concentration camp during the Holocaust? The book Night written by Elie Wiesel, it is about a 16 year old named Eliezer. He is a Holocaust survivor and tells about his time in the concentration camps. It is in first person about how he felt, what he saw and what had happened to him.Hope is good until you lose it. The people of Sighet are keeping their hope until the Germans started to force laws of them. Moishe the Beadle knows what is going to happen to everyone who stays in Sighet. People are saying that they are there is still hope, “ The Red Army is advancing with giant strides . . . Hitler will not be able to harm us, even if he wants to . . .”(Wiesel 8). Everyone in Sighet have their hopes high that the Red Army will reach them before they are deported. Next, hope is something that one must have, if one loses it they lose the will to live. Akiba Drumer is an example, he has faith and hope but once he lost it he started saying it is impossible to continue going on, “ I can’t go one . . . It’s over . . .” (Wiesel 76). Akiba Drumer has lost his faith and with it his hope, because he lost his hope he keeps saying that he can’t continue. With the selection, he is gone never to be seen again. …show more content…

The hope that the Red Army will reach Buna before evacuation is keeping hope high in almost every one in the camp. The faceless man sitting next Eliezer lost his hope and is telling Eliezer that the Red Army is not going to make it in time and that Hitler is going to kill every last Jew in the infirmary, “ Don’t be deluded. Hitler has made it clear that he will annihilate all Jews before the clock strikes twelve”( Wiesel 80). Everyone in the camp is hoping that the Red Army will liberate Buna before the evacuation