Hopi And The Spanish Explorers In Diane Burns 'Tomorrow Seeds'

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In "Tomorrow Seeds" by Diane Burns, There are two tribes, The Hopituh Shi-nu-mu, "peaceable people", or Hopi and the Spanish Explorers or known as the "Black Robes". The Hopi were enemies with the Spanish Explorers, because the Spanish tribe tried to impose a new religion and language. A Hopi boy named Moki had two visions about what happens with his people, which indicates that Moki can see the future, and it can help him find out what happened in the past.

The first vision that Moki had was about sharing. It represents how The Spanish and Hopi can live in the same land, like the corn and watermelon. In paragraph 21, it stated, "They have grown well together, he said. It was one way shown in the visions."(Diane Burns) Moki realized that Black