Horse Racing Essay

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A Fan Prospective: The Past, Present and Hopeful Future of Horse Racing. The sport of horse racing in America dates all the way back to colonial times. In fact the first racetrack in America dates back to 1665 and went by the name Newmarket. At times horse racing, dubbed the sport of kings, has been the most popular spectator sport in America, while at others it has all but disappeared. Concerns over gambling and the depression of 1837 crippled the sport. Horse racing, however, rebounded after the Civil War. Its resurgence was led by a heavy rise in gambling, both legally on track and illegally off the track. Horse racing’s prominence as a sport in America has seen its fair share of trials and tribulations, and once again faced major backlash …show more content…

While takeout rates aren’t something that concerns everyone it is a problem if rates continue to rise unchecked. Think about it along the lines of having your tax rate raised by a percent or two every year. From one year to the next it may seem like a miniscule amount, but add it up over a 5 year period and it would be a major hit. Another issue that has come up recently has been the outrage over horses, most notably at Delta Downs, being sent directly to kill pens. This is a particularly troubling issue because it shows that some people involved in horse racing don’t care about the animals and only view them as property. Once the horses are no longer profitable they discard them. I’ve read prominent people in the horse racing world say things to the extent of ‘the two most important players in the industry are owners and bettors.’ I would counter that we have nothing without the horses. One final issue that I have had with the current state of horse racing is its coverage by the media. Far too often it seems like those who cover horse racing, be in locally, nationally or in the social media world; avoid some of these pressing issues. As a fan I understand that people, me included, would often prefer to read positive stories. I also understand that journalists have to think about their livelihood and do what benefits them the most. However, in order for horse racing to once again