Hospice History Essay

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Hospice has a history that spans over a century starting in France with the care from Mrs. Jeanne Garnier the founder of the Dames de Claire and inspired the Irish Sisters of Charity to offer their care and Opened Our Lady’s Hospice in Dublin Ireland and another was opened in Hackney London, England St. Joseph’s Hospice in 1905 and is an actual start of quality of life care and to ease any discomfort and pain and help families care and prepare for their loved one's endings. Hospice care did not progress in all countries. Hospice was used for the terminally ill, in suffering in pain and extreme discomfort. Hospice also helped if the patient did not have someone with the knowledge or education to care for a loved one that was dying from a disease that was not curative. Dame Cicely Saunders took Hospice in a whole new direction and a more caring approach and put a voice to …show more content…

Saunders in a lecture she had given in 1974 by invitation from the students from Yale University. It wasn’t until 1986 that Congress made hospice part of the Medicare program. Hospice has changed so dramatically over the years, some would say for the better, and some would say for the worst. The care and family involvement has not changed, but some of the benefits of hospice have changed. They have become stricter with the way a patients diagnosis allows for a patient to begin hospice in a home or a facility. There are multiple agencies and institutions across the United States offering Hospice services and inpatient facilities. The services and family involvement has improved and can do so much more for the families that need Hospice services. Hospice had evolved into so far more than when it was first started and grew to be a what it is in its present state. With great opportunities also comes great problems with misrepresentation and greed and people who misdirect staff and nurses to bend the rules that apply to hospice

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