How 1600 People Went Missing From Our Public Lands Summary

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An Analysis Of “ How 1600 People Went Missing From Our Public Lands” Why is there a lack of effort and cooperation with government agencies when someone goes missing on public lands and national parks? When a search ends and the missing person isn't found, what happens then? Who's gonna look? In 2015, Joe Keller was taking a routine hike through the Rio Grande national forest when he vanished into thin air. This baffled many people and then Jon Billman, the writer of the article started doing a little research. Jon Billman discovers something very unsettling about the amount of people that go missing on public lands and how little to no effort is often common when these people go missing. Why aren't they searching for them? Or why do they stop searching so soon? Jon Billman says the reason why search parties end too soon is because the volunteers have other priorities to tend to. In the article he states, “volunteers began going home, pulled by other obligations. The few who remained did interviews, followed up on leads, and worked teams and dogs. But the search was already winding down”. But eventually, everyone had to start going back to work. And the search for Joe Keller then died down. What's very shocking is that people go missing all too often on …show more content…

Jon Billman had this to say about this situation, “estimating that on any given day there are between 80,000 and 90,000 people ac­tively listed with law enforcement as missing. The majority of those, of course, disappear in populated areas”. Today, the number is over 85,000. He then Goes on about how he hears about people going missing everyday he had just heard of two hikers vanishing in the national park that's very close to his home. Where are all these people going? What's the result of these people going missing is often people finding their dead bodies far off from where they should have

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