
How Are Daisy And Jay Gatsby Alike

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The Great Gatsby The song, Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Ray, illustrates the love affair between F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel characters, Daisy Buchanan and Jay Gatsby.
Lana Del Ray. “When you and I were forever wild, the crazy days, city lights, the way you’d play with me like a child..” When Daisy and Gatsby are physically together, they can not stay away from each other. Not only can they be inseparable, but it is as if they are the only two on the entire planet. Time between the two of them has became oblivious.
Fitzgerald. Gatsby is mesmerized by Daisy and her beauty. (Pg. 148) “She was the first “nice” girl he had ever known.” Not only is Gatsby mesmerized by Daisy’s beauty and the fondest he has of her, but Daisy was found “excitingly …show more content…

Time stopped around them and no one else appeared on this planet, except them. Daisy and Gatsby were forever wild and when they were physically together, it was nothing but crazy days, city lights, and they would play together like children. This connection was, both, a good and bad thing. This connection is a good thing because they are both happy and in love. This connection is also a bad thing because they are careless of everyone else and what is going on around them. What makes them so careless is the fact that Daisy is married to her husband, Tom Buchanan, and she’s been sneaking around with Gatsby. Gatsby knows that Daisy is with Tom, but that does not stop him. They have put everything aside because, to them, nothing matters …show more content…

(Pg. 110) “You can’t repeat the past.” “Can’t repeat the past?” he cried incredulously. “Why of course you can!” According to Gatsby, anyone can repeat the past. Gatsby is wanting to go back in time and be with Daisy for the very first time. Gatsby wants to change the fact that Daisy is married to Tom. Gatsby wishes that his relationship with Daisy didn’t go away. Gatsby was determined to fix everything back to the way it was, once before. When Gatsby and Daisy first kissed, Gatsby’s mind “would never romp again like the mind of God.” (Pg. 110)
Jay Gatsby has to have what he wants. Everything has to go his way. Gatsby is very selfish and he has to have his way. His way being Daisy. Gatsby tries his hardest to get things back to the way they were before but he doesn’t realize that things will never be the same like they were once before. It is clear that Daisy wants to be with Gatsby, but she also wants her husband, Tom. Daisy is in this mess of having to pick one or the other. The relationship that Daisy has with her husband, is not as strong as her relationship with Gatsby. Daisy wants Gatsby more. Daisy loves the feeling of getting lost into

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