How Are Victor Frankenstein And Prometheus Alike

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The scientist Victor Frankenstein and the greek titan Prometheus have more in common than meets the eye. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein tells a modern rendition of Prometheus because a creator suffers greatly for it's creation. Throughout the novel Frankenstein, many of the characters Mary Shelley introduces relate in various ways to many of the characters found in the time old story of Prometheus. The story of Victor Frankenstein’s creature and it’s relationship with Victor show striking similarities to the relationship shared between Prometheus and Zeus. As stated by the Ancient History Encyclopedia, Prometheus is a titan in Greek mythology who was loved by the human race. He became "the main champion of humankind, bringing the gift of fire …show more content…

He later returns and learns of the escape of his monster and falls into an illness. Victor later finds out about the death of his younger brother and instantly assumes it was the doing of his experiment. It is at this point that Victor sets out to find who he believes to be the culprit. Once he comes face to face with the beast, it confesses it’s life story thus far to Victor. "Ay, if in good time we soothe the heart, nor violently repress it's tumid rage” (Knopf 18). It is shown in both this quote and the actions of the creature that he acts out in defiant rage due to the lack of love and affection he ever received. Victor is asked by the creature to create another life, just like that of the creature himself. Victor’s creation begs for this in hopes of being able to live out the rest of his days loved and cared for. Victor does still care about his creation because Victor himself states: "No father could claim the gratitude of his child so completely as I should deserve theirs" (Shelly 40). In his secret pride of creating the creature, reluctantly agrees and returns to his lab to begin his