
How Biotic Factors Affecting The Red Panda's Life

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The Red Panda, also known as Ailurus fulgens is a member of the class mammalia. These animals may seem small compared to their relatives, the Giant panda, but they have sharp teeth and claws. The Red panda is a fascinating mammal. Wild animals must develop structures or physical body parts for specific functions or jobs to help them survive. The first important structure of the Red Panda is their tail. This structure helps the Red Panda balance when walking across trees branches to stay away from predators and to help them balance when getting food. The next important structure is the Red Panda’s jaw. Their jaw is specifically made so they can eat their diet of bamboo shoots. The Red pandas final important structure is their legs. This is important for the Red Panda because it can help them run fast from predators. …show more content…

These living things are called biotic factors. One of the biotic factors that affects the Red Panda’s life are other animals. These animals could affect their life because other animals could harm the Red panda, and since they are endangered, other animals could cause them to go extinct. Another biotic factor that could affect the Red Panda’s life are plants. These could affect them because if humans keep taking the bamboo shots to build house structures, the Red Panda’s will run out of bamboo shots, they could possibly starve because this is the main food that they eat. The final biotic factor that could harm or effect their life is humans. We could affect the life of the Red Panda because humans want theRed Panda for their fur coat, again, because they are endangered, hunting and killing them for their coat could possibly cause them to go

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