How Business Schools Lost Their Way

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Literature Results To gain more information from academia on businesses schools and best practices I conducted research through literature searches. I searched for various factors that determine both school and student performance. The sources ranged from published journal articles to news articles on what other students and schools are currently facing. These articles helped me develop the scope of my feasibility and to determine the best strategies for improving Winthrop’s College of Business Administration. How Business Schools Lost Their Way. “How Business Schools Lost Their Way” is an article from Harvard Business Review. Business schools across America are being criticized for students not being properly prepared for the business world. These complaints by businesses range from colleges not teaching useful skills, outdated curriculums, and the lack of leadership development by graduates. The authors argue that business schools have decided to focus more on academic excellence rather than “measuring themselves in terms of the competence of their graduates”. Top business schools care more about advanced research than developing their students to perform business …show more content…

This journal article was posted in the Academy of Management Learning and Education journal. The article examines how business schools have jeopardized their identity and legitimacy through the advancement of their research practices. While businesses schools use their research to gain reputation, they lose legitimacy and their identity by not teaching practical business knowledge. Business schools have been under scrutiny for not extensively emphasizing ethics and responsibility due to the actions of businesspersons leading to the financial crisis. Although ethics are now fundamental in most business programs today, business schools should not be in a constant mode of reaction to the market’s demand for graduating business

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