
How Can China Surpass The United States

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Essay 3

The Chinese economy will surpass the United States economy at some point, because China’s economy is changing. They have rapid growth of Gross Domestic Product and because of their work ethics and values. China has become more transparent in recent decades in regards to communication and the involvement of other countries in their economy. China’s GDP per capita has increased ten percent in the last thirty years (Morrison). The Chinese are a collective society who practice good work ethics and values.
China is now more transparent than it was thirty years ago. Other countries like, The United States (US) have been able to communicate better and the involvement of the two countries has increased China’s productivity …show more content…

The absence of individualism creates a bond with one another, and reduces selfish crimes like corruption, for the goodness of God and country. China’s collective working society practices small group dynamics as conceived by W. Edward Deming. Small group dynamics includes, the perception of being special by being part of a small group and obtaining the responsibility of completing a task. Second, social bonding among the members of the group fosters the feeling of being a member of a team and or being a part of an extended family. Thirdly, teaching an easier way of performing tasks, and finally discovering a new of performing a task (Neave). Small group dynamics has proven Deming’s theory of increasing worker’s productivity and morale. On the other hand, the US practices individualism, as described by Frederick Taylor, which can create acts of selfish crimes to the working culture. The essence of Taylor is to take a task and divide it up into its simplest element and assign a person to each element (Nerssesian). In other words, management issues orders, workers comply with no feedback expected or wanted from workers. The practice of small group dynamics, was first established in the US, who later adopted individualism to keep up with the demands of post WWII. Initially, individualism was a good idea, since it increased productivity and the economy in the US, however once …show more content…

China’s relationship building with other countries has enabled them to reach greater economies of scale. GDP per capita is expected to grow past the US in the next thirty-five years to an average of 4.5 percent annually (Balaga). Collectivism and the practice of small group dynamics has increased productivity due to morale, keeping workers, companies, and the country’s economy strong and away from corruption and other related crimes. If the US had gone back and continued to practice small group dynamics, maybe recent scandals such as Enron and the great recession made by large banks could have been

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