How Can GBR Be Seen As A Sustainable Tourist Destination

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In the last few decades it has been an alteration in people’s perception of tourism. When the tourism studies first started, people had a promising perspective on visitors because of the opportunities they generated. Tourism brought a lot of money into destinations and the opportunities started to flourish from there. One of the outcomes of our study is that tourism in GBR has both positive and negative effects in terms of sustainability. Negative impacts are potential damage to corals and wildlife and other kinds of disturbance through noise and traffic that may adversely affect parts of the reef. Positive impacts include income from tourism that created jobs and provide money that may be used to protect the reef. One of the most striking …show more content…

GBRMPA is one of the best initiatives established by the Australian government, because they work towards controlling and managing the reef in a sustainable way. Under the management of the marine park, several measures have been implemented to enhance the sustainable level in the reefs. Zoning is one of their brilliant management tools. Zoning keeps visitors from areas that are restricted and vulnerable, and direct them to places they can access without harming the reef. Another outstanding initiative is the clean up campaign along the coast of GBR. It is a measure that involves local volunteers working in symbiosis with marine park authority and stakeholders to help a good cause. The campaign represents the commitment people have to protect the reef in all possible way. One more intriguing finding was the eco certification. The certification clearly indicates how serious the marine authority takes facilitation of sustainability with the operators. They make sure that tourism stakeholders cannot get the licence to operate in the GBR unless they have the eco certification according to the set regulations. The eco certification is significant because it enact all the considerations that are needed to attain sustainable when operating in the …show more content…

By using interpretation as a tool, we believe it might motivate visitors to not: throw litter in the reef, feed the fish, disturb the ecosystem with noise or come too close to the animals. People working in the reef areas can influence visitors a lot more than one can expect. Our personal experience when it came to visiting the GBR was surprising - in a good way. When we saw the dedication from the management and the staff, we were impressed over how much effort they put into enhancing the visitors experience and raising the awareness to acting