How Can There Evidence For The Big Freeze Theory To Be True

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How the universe came to be is one of the most widely disputed conversations there is, but there's an even more important, unknown, theorized question. The question of how our universe will end, and what it is caused by. There's many different theories of how it will end, many with evidence that can be viewed as proof. The theories are all different in many ways from the rest, no two theories are the same. One of the most popular, accepted theory is the Big Freeze, it has much evidence to prove it to be true. The universe will end when it reaches absolute zero, everything will stop in time, showing the Big Freeze theory to be true. One piece of evidence that proves the Big Freeze theory to be true is that galaxies that are near our …show more content…

These numbers prove the temperatures are dropping as our universe expands, not rising. Scientists believe this pattern will not change unless something drastic occurs. The Universe started off being 10 to the 27 power degrees Celsius, which is the hottest temperature ever. The temperature of the universe from, this point on has dropped, not risen. The current temperature of the universe is -270.42 degrees Celsius, the coldest temperature our universe has reached so far. The fact that the universe is becoming colder and colder will not change. As the universe expands, it will become colder in time. It will drop and drop until it reaches 0 degrees Kelvin, or “absolute 0”. After it reaches this temperature, the universe cannot become any colder. As 0 degrees Kelvin is the lowest possible point in temperature that we have measured. At this point, the universe will not move and will be frozen in time. This will happen because it is known that atoms cannot move at this temperature. The whole universe is made of atoms, if they can't move at this temperature, neither will the

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