How Could The Text Be Read And Interpreted Differently By Two Different Readers?

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How could the text be read and interpreted differently by two different readers? (Reader, culture, and text) Many forms of media offer much room for interpretation. Based on what a viewer’s background knowledge is, the overall message extracted from the media can be very different from one person to the next. Infiniti’s BMW versus Infiniti 2016 commericial is no exception. This commercial shows a man confronting his father about how he now drives a Infiniti, rather than a BMW, which is what his father drives. Through out the short conversation, there are subtle clues that can be interpreted as something like a coming out of the closet (ie. disclosing that a person is LGBT, or lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender) story. However, to be able to detect the language used to imitate a coming out scene requires a specific background knowledge, ranging interpretations of the Infiniti commercial as simply a BMW versus Infiniti commerical to …show more content…

The viwer is led to believe that the son is coming out to the father. The son says “This isn’t easy,” which is a feeling and internal conflict that parallels how LGBT people feel when coming out. The son’s remark about “trying it” can be interpreted as experimenting with same-gender relationships. Lastly, the son’s remark “You must have known I was a little different” is in reference to the stereotypes that people use to identify LGBT members. Through this conversation, the audience’s attention is captured using a shock factor of a taboo topic. At first, a viewer may be unsure of what the son might be talking about and the anticipation of father’s reaction creates tension. However, the clips of the car in action between the conversation and the car dealership scene make it clear that the comemerical is about