How Democratic Is The American Constitution By Robert Dahl Sparknotes

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The constitution is the foundation of the US government. Why? The answer is simple. Without it we would have no government. As you know the constitution was drafted in 1787 in Philadelphia. Founding Fathers are the people that came together and created the Constitution. As we all know what the Constitution is it contain laws or rules of the United States. Now that we have a background of the constitution lets go into the main point of this paper. We are going explore the book called How Democratic is the American Constitution by Robert A. Dahl. Dhal goes all the way back to the founding fathers time period where the constitution was being constructed or frame. He called the people that draft the constitution the Framers different from what …show more content…

So in this paragraph we will be diving into Dahl’s head. In his first chapter he made it brief introduction of what the constitution is. That’s important itself but we will skip that part. We will dive right into chapter two. It will not be a summary of the whole chapter rather we will be mention few of the key issues that Dahl mention in chapter two what the framers couldn’t know. First thing he mention is that there were four things that the framers didn’t or couldn’t have known. Another key that is important in this chapter is the fact that Dahl said “framers were limited….” PG11. What Dahl meant was that they have little or no choice in the type of government. According to Dahl they were only left with a republic. What Dahl meant is that the people that wrote the constitution which is the framers were too high or too cocky in a sense that they were the bomb and everyone else must agree with us. It’s absurd if they didn’t agree with us. Americans did think differently from the framers of the constitution and the best prove of that that would be the present day constitution and how it has change since the founding …show more content…

Remember this is not my word or ideals but it’s my understandings of Dahl’s text in his book. So in this chapter he began with how that the US compares our government to countries that are not under develop. No brainer of course would seem better. Dahl said all of these comparisons are of no importances. Then he goes on to discuss on how our government is separate into two chambers. What he means is the house of representative and senate. A little background on, senate is equal representation regardless of its state population. Representative is a little different its seats is based on population. For example New York would have more seats than Hawaii cause New York has more people living here than Hawaii. He also touches on Federal government or rule as one government but what made me get a real feeling of what is stating his positions is the part where he talk about unequal representation. Of course it’s not enough evidence to determine his side but it gave me a better view of his arguments in