How Did 9/11 Impact Society

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On Tuesday, September 11, 2001, America was under a terrorist attack, killing thousands of people and was the deadliest day in history for New York City firefighters. This attack was led by an Islamic group called Al-Qaeda with the leader Osama Bin Laden. This terrorist attack happened 17 years ago and still plays a role in today’s society. It impacted America economically, socially, and politically. When this well-planned terrorist attack happened people all over America were in shock. When the first plane hit, many thought it was an accident and something happened to the plane. As soon as the first tower was hit, it was being broadcasted live on television. Everyone was in terror because it was so unexpected. Then when the second plane crashed, …show more content…

There were 19 people associated with the Islamic group called Al-Qaeda, the Hijackers split into 4 planes, they were all from different Arab nations like Egypt, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia. All of the hijackers came to America legally with a visa. They weren’t carrying bombs or guns, and the security agents didn’t think of them as anything but an ordinary passenger, while they were walking through the metal detectors. Osama Bin Laden, the main terrorist, made connections to the different leaders who helped him eventually plan and execute his plan for September 11th. This wasn't his first terrorist attack, one of his attacks included the 1998 bombings of the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Bin Laden’s actions have been very impactful which has caused him to be on the FBI’s “most wanted” …show more content…

The patriot act is the most known act that was passed. The US Patriot Act “ is an act of Congress that was signed into the law by President George W Bush on October 26, 2001”. This act gave the government the ability to tap into phones and track internet user to see identify any potential terrorist acts. The government and listen in at any point, private conversations are no longer considered private. Going along with the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, they included the Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act which required the state department and Immigration to share visa and immigrant data with each other. Another act that was passed in 2001 was the Homeland Security Act is to prevent terrorist attacks in the United States. There are even metal detectors in some high schools to prevent anything harmful from happening. The homeland security act was an attempt to put in the effort and defend America from any future terrorist

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