How Did Abel Fields Stolen Valor Appeal

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Abel Fields was convicted of violating the stolen valor act. Fields claimed to have achieved the Purple Heart Medal, A very important medal given only for outstanding bravery. Field also claimed to have served in the Military. Neither of Fields claims were true. Fields was sentenced to 1 year in prison. Fields decide to appeal his sentence claiming his first amendment rights had been violated. The court of appeals granted his attempt to appeal the decision. The court of appeals ruled in his favor, and overturned his conviction. After Fields conviction had been overturned, The U.S. government decided to appeal Fields case. The Supreme court accepted the case. Fields attorneys are arguing that the Stolen Valor act is unconstitutional. Field attorneys argued that Fields cannot be convicted because he lied. The First amendment protects speech that does not directly harm others. Fields attorneys claim that Fields had lied about himself, and by lying about himself he only hurt himself. …show more content…

By lying Fields did not harm himself alone, but he damaged the integrity of those soldiers serving, or those who have served in the military. Fields claim of earning a purple heart, I believe, is also in violation of the stolen valor act, and not protected under the first amendment . Fields claim of earning a purple heart damages the sacredness of the award, and damages the reputation of those recipients of the purple heart. My verdict as a supreme court Justice would be to uphold Fields conviction of 1 year in

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