
How Did Ancient Greeks Influence Literature

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Ancient Greeks have made so many contributions that have helped our society. Out of all the contributions from the Greeks, literature was the most impactful. Their were many sections of the Greek literature that made this contribution have a big impact. First of all, poems were a big impact from the Greeks. The Greeks had two kinds of poems. More simplistic poems, and ‘Lyric poems.’ The Lyric poems were poems that performers would sing while playing an instrument called the ‘Lyre.’ This had a big impact because today, we call these Lyric poems, ‘songs.’ Performers also use many different instruments. We also have many, many different kinds of songs. We have country, jazz, pop, and more. Some of the most common instruments, today, are the Guitar, the Drums, and the Piano. Many people have not even heard of the Lyre. The more simplistic poems were also a big section of the contribution. The Greeks had many of these poems. One of the most famous poems, the Odyssey, is a huge, epic, simple poem. Today, we use poems everyday. Poems are even in school curriculums. Some people write poems everyday. We still have books that a written in poems. …show more content…

Ancient Greeks wrote books in their daily life. They often wrote books in poems. Two of the most famous books were written by the ancient Greeks. The “Iliad” and the “Odyssey” were called, ‘epic poems.’ Today, we read and use books everyday. We use them in school, at work, and just for fun. We have many different kinds of genres. Without this greek contribution, we would have to do everything online. In the 1800’s, the people didn’t even have electricity, so that means that they couldn’t learn about certain things without doing it hands-on. That means that the people would have to spend a lot of money if they wanted their kids to learn everything. In the books, the Greeks also had villains and good guys. Today, most of our books have someone good, and someone

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