How Did Andrew Jackson Contribute To The American Dream

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Andrew Jackson, seventh president of America, had a massive impact on America that is still felt to this day, whether it be his use of the veto, the strategies used during his race for the presidency or his stance on Native Americans. Jackson is one of the more polarizing of the presidents, even during the time when he served as president. This is for many reasons, mainly due to his stance on Natives and his use of presidential power.
Andrew Jackson is an eidolon of the idea of the American dream, grew up poor, was an independent man, not necessarily by choice, and then became president of the United States of America. While growing up, Jackson contributed to the Revolutionary War effort as a mounted messenger, at the age of thirteen (pg 16). …show more content…

After the Creek War, it was Jackson who was asked to negotiate with the Creeks as to what the peace terms would be but Jackson, not a well versed in negotiation, although supremely skilled at giving orders, employed his later skill during the peace talks. Jackson’s demands of the Creeks were “23 million acres of land, or half the ancient Creek domain”, the cutting of ties with Britain and Spain and for the Creeks to allow the US to build roads and trading posts on Creek land for whatever reason (pg 57). These demands were ruthless, especially considering half of the Creek leaders at the meeting allied with Jackson during the war (pg 57). Also, the land obtained is part of Jackson’s legacy due to its use today an American land. Jackson’s second victory was the Battle of New Orleans, in which Jackson was able to defeat a force of 7000 British troops with only 3000 soldiers of his own (pg 64-65). Jackson’s victory in this battle secured America’s position as powerful nation, made American pride grow and propelled Jackson to his legendary status in America, which was a deciding factor in his