How Did Australopithecus Change The Brain

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Ok, the first thing that changed, and I think this is the most important thing, was their brains. They became more and more intelligent over the years. Australopithecus' brain was about 1/3 the size of ours. That's small! They didn't eat much protein, which didn't help their brain grow. After Australopithecus comes Homo Habilis, who had a brain about 1/2 size of ours, because he ate much more meat than Australopithecus. It was still small because he didn't eat as much meat as later hominids, and he ate it raw. Homo Habilis had good problem shoving skills. Next, Homo Erectus was fairly smart. They ate a ton of cooked meat, which helped their brains grow much larger, and gave them better reasoning powers. Later, some Neanderthals had bigger brains …show more content…

Over time, the early humans developed better survival skills. Australopithecus didn't hunt-they barely ate protein. When they learned to walk upright, it have them advantages such as being able to see predators coming from far away, and being able to carry food for long periods of time. Homo Habilis weren't hunters either-they ate raw map eat from already dead animals. However, much unlike Australopithecus, when food grew scarce, they migrated to a better place. For Australopithecus, when food got scarce, they died out. Homo Erectus was a pretty big step from the other two. He was a strong, persistent hunter, and nicknamed the "velociraptor if it's day." Although Homo Erectus could not make fire, he could control it. He used it to cook his food, scare away animals, for light at night, and for warmth. Neanderthals, on the other hand, could use fire, and used it for something that no other early humans did-they drove animals over cliffs. They also worked in groups-power in numbers-and cared for the weaker members. Scientists have found Neanderthal remains if Neanderthals that have disabilities such as arthritis and heralded fractures that's how they would have died without help from other group members. They were also shirt and stocky-this quality helped them conserve body heat-this was an advantage because they lived in an extremely cold environment. Another thing that helped them survive was that they had a very high pain tolerance, so they could go on and work just as hard even if they were hurt. Homo Sapiens Sapiens were probably slightly better hunters than Neanderthals, which is probably why they were able to survive and Neanderthals died off. They were also now hunter gatherers, as opposed to just hunters. They returned to a harvesting place each season, and then dried meats and foods, which could now be stored for future use. Lastly, men and women had specific jobs, such as men hunting and women

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