How Did Berger Contribute To The Formation Of Germany

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Berger’s examination on the creation of Germany is an essential contribution to Germanic history. Berger takes the time to discuss German women’s use of nationalism in order to gain civic equally. These ideas are centered around on of the major themes discussed in Berger’s Germany, the gendering of the nation. Berger is careful to examine the treatment of women throughout the various stages of German history, as well as how women were able to use both this gendering and nationalism to gain greater participation in the political process. As seen in many societies during the 16th and 17th centuries, German women were regarded as a separate class from their male counterparts. This vilification of women, and femininity was solidified during the wars of liberty in the 1760s. …show more content…

Germans created a cult of citizen soldiers who's greater attributes were the heroism and manliness.The male gendering of Germany was supported in many literary works of the time. For example, Thomas Abbot wrote that “immortality brings the hero death, the death for the fatherland”. From early on, German culture emphasized male cbaratcterisics as inherently good. So much so, that the Germans would refer to Germany as the “fatherland”. The gender gin of the nation created parallels between Germany and the family. Both required decision to ensure their survival. The familiar association would help to further shape the various social roles of men and women in the German lands. Men dominated the public sphere, such as politics, business, and military service. While women remained in the private sphere of domestic sensibility. Women would be able to to call on nationalism as a means of gaining higher societal