How Did China Influence Japanese Government

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Chinese Influence of Japanese Government In the early growth of Japanese civilization, the Japanese adopted many of the popular and useful ideas and policies of the Chinese civilization. During this time period, China was a great power that possessed a solid writing system and a language that became the example for the growth of other societies’ reading and writing systems. Chinese culture had an enormous effect on most aspects of Japanese society and although Japan differs from China today their growth and initial steps occurred due to the influences of China. Japan took ideas from Chinese language, government and religion that helped them build a base for the society in which they could later expand on and made unique to their society. In the early stages of Japan, their contact with China introduced a language script that became an important feature in Japan. Japan didn’t really have their own unique written language so they adopted …show more content…

The Japanese, most of which practiced a religion called Shinto, which is a religion that “focuses more on life in this world than on death”, were introduced to a new religion (Crane, 2012) that many began to accept. In the Japanese culture a complex and diverse religious landscape has arisen. Some of the Japanese citizens were drawn to ideas of Buddhism becoming one of Japan’s most followed religions, having around 96,000,000 followers, while many of the people stayed with traditional beliefs of the Shinto religion, today have up to 106,000,000 followers (Crane, 2012). China was able to influence Japan through the spread of their religion, Buddhism, which thus also influenced architecture and artistic flares. However, making Japan unique and diverse was its ability to hold onto their traditional religion that they formed within their isolated period while also adopting Buddhism from the Chinese

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