How Did Christianity And Islam Contribute To The Achievement Of World Peace

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World peace is an ideal notion of freedom, peace, and happiness among and within all nations. It is the professed ambition of many past and present world leaders as reiterated by Ban Ki Moon. It is the utopian ideal of non-violence by which nations cooperate to prevent warfare. There is an extensive relationship between religions and the idea of world peace. It is through the principal teachings and sacred texts about peace that Christianity and Islam will be able to contribute to the achievement of world peace. The constant motivation of Islam and Christianity is shown through organisations like Affinity Intercultural Foundation, Council of Churches Australia, and United Nations that pave a “path for greater tolerance and solidary among groups”. Also, through significant events of history like the Crusades, portrays aspects …show more content…

However, more present situations like 9/11 and the behaviour of some priests in Christianity reflects the actions of misguided and ignorant individuals can hinder the achievement of world peace, negating the utopian ideal of non-violence. Overall, Islam and Christianity aim to achieve world peace through the principal beliefs and guidelines from the sacred texts. Furthermore, religious leaders like Jesus and Prophet Muhammad pave a path towards greater peace, due to their prevalent message which contributes to the achievement of world peace. It is through communal efforts of “religious leaders and faith to confront hostility” that manifest a greater sense of inner and world peace. In Christianity, Jesus himself is known as the prince of peace and is regarded as the source of peace. Christians are encouraged to model

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