This is (important/interesting/relevant) because it affects christians history in the world. In conclusion christians were the most affected in history.
(BBC). Christianity had a major effect on Japan, as many people saw it as a chance to get one step closer to the outside world. As more people accepted Christianity, Shintoism became less
The author Claude Geffre collected all the information possible about Christianity and the culture. Geffre had gone into great depth about the culture of this religion. Throughout history, we have seen Christianity grow and form many new expressions through faith and practice. It has said to be that the gospel has been translated into the everyday fabric of life to get that fulfillment of the universal mission. I found that there were no limitations featured in this article as Geffre did a great job explaining the history of our culture.
As more settlers came to the new world from Europe, they brought Christianity with them, and Christianity’s popularity from Europe continued on in the new world. European contact with Native Americans deteriorated the Natives’ religions while strengthening the Europeans’
When the Protestant Reformation occurred, it had a large effect on western civilization. The Protestant Reformation was the 16th century when Martin Luther wanted to increase life and develop the right way within the churches. The Protestant Reformation changed life for people for Europe by the changes with religion, gender, and class. In Europe, there was a lot of religions fighting for the chances of succeeding and having all the power.
The views on Christianity throughout Rome changed immensely from the early years of the empire through the fourth century. For a while, Christians were looked at as a threat to many because of their belief in monotheism. Nero and his followers persecuted and punished the lower class and women who followed Christianity as well as use them as political scapegoats. As time went on, the tolerance for Christianity in Rome grew and Christianity gained acceptance. By the fourth century, Christianity was the official religion in Rome.
Christianity is arguably one of the the most influential and important aspects that originated in western civilization. The religion started out as a small sect of Judaism and a man named Jesus spreading his word with a few followers. For centuries, Christians in Rome endured persecution and secret worship. With the appeal of eternal salvation and the hierarchy of the church, Christianity gradually spread, began to rise, and eventually became the prominent religion in Rome. Today, Christianity is the most widely practiced religion in the world.
Democracy is a word that gets used quite frequently to describe a system of government. By popular usage, the word "democracy" implies a form of government in which the government derives its power from the people and is accountable to them for the use of that power. In this sense, the United States might accurately be called a democracy. Many states allow for policy questions to be decided directly by the people by voting on ballot initiatives or referendums. However; by definition, the word “democracy” describes a system in which citizens meet to discuss all policy and then make decisions by majority rule.
All three of these are part of being a conqueror in some way. When the Europeans would conquer new land they would try to change the religion to Christianity just like when missionaries would go to promote a religion and when they conquered it would help them trade more because of new resources in their new claimed land and closer countries to trade with. In the age of exploration, for the Europeans it was all about claiming as much land as possible for themselves and their countries before other countries discovered these places which is why Europeans are
Secondly, all the perquisites of Christianity meant that kings could claim legitimated power from God and its prestigious international
Only a few Buddhist centers survived after the invasion of Muslim armies. On the contrast, Christian churches preserved and spread Christian teachings and the achievements of Greco-Roman civilization. This laid the foundation for future development of the western civilization. The history of Christianity is inseparable from the history of western culture and of western
Even though Christians were persecuted on and off during the Roman Empire, Christianity flourished. In the early Roman Empire, when Claudius, Nero, Domitian, and Trajan were emperors, Christianity was banned and Christians were persecuted. Nevertheless, Christians found ways to spread Christianity, and many people converted. As trials occurred and the Empire lost good leaders, the people took security in Christianity and other religions. Christianity grew during the Roman Empire because Constantine helped create the Edict of Milan, Constantine had imperial favor toward The Church, and there was trade routes to spread Christianity to different areas.
Europeans came to the New World with three intentions: gold, glory, and God. The spread Christianity to the Native Americans, but in turn, they did not adapt the Native American’s customs. It helped make Christianity a global religion. Because it was almost forced into the New World, Christianity overruled Islam as well as other religions.
Throughout history, there have been many significant events that have affected the world in different ways, one being the invention of Christianity. The role of Christianity has been complexly tangled with the history and formation of the western civilization. Christianity has affected the world in many ways, but most noticeably through politics by diminishing the power of Roman authority, society by affecting the way Roman citizens live, and religion by stopping the progression of Islam. First, the invention of Christianity had a huge effect on the politics of the western civilization.
The existence of Christianity enumerates almost 20 centuries and for this period it made a long way in development and expansion. The Christianity was born in Palestine in the 1st century AD and spread to various corners of the world. Kennedy, P. (2011). Christianity : An Introduction. London: I.B.