How Did Cosimo Contribute To Humanism

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Cosimo di Giovanni de’ Medici was an important and influential figure in the Renaissance for the whole of Europe. Throughout his life, he was able to use the wealth he had amassed through the House of Medici to its full potential, establishing a thriving environment for humanism. Cosimo assisted the prosperity of the innovative ideas of humanism and the lifestyle of the Renaissance in many ways but especially through his generosity of culture. He supported the arts and literature by sponsoring artists. He influenced politics, economy and religion for not only Italy, but all of Europe through his power, wealth and confident decision-making. Cosimo de’ Medici commissioned the construction of the Laurentian Library (the first public library of …show more content…

Their seminars were held in one of Cosimo’s Villas in Carreggio. The building in which the meetings were held was purchased by Cosimo de’ Medici’s father in 1417. Cosimo later commissioned Michelozzo di Bartolomeo to expand and improve the Villa. Cosimo de’ Medici appointed their meetings to begin in the 1460s after being inspired by George Gemistus Pletho. The group met under no agenda but discussed many humanistic ideas. Many politicians, artists, musicians and priests would gather to listen to lectures or translate some of Plato’s texts to Latin. This important institution was founded at a time when humanism was beginning to be understood by all people. Ordinary citizens’ perception of human life changed under the influence of this Academy in quite a positive way. They began to appreciate the pleasures of life in art and literature and aspire to become wealthy. Overall, the Platonic Academy of Florence has been an important primary source for many centuries. It helps us to understand the importance of humanism and how it helped to develop Renaissance at the time of Cosimo Il

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