How Did Daisy Become Rich In The Great Gatsby

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The American dream can be seen differently by everyone but is made to be reachable by anyone. We all create our own dream and for the characters they are all different but have shared dreams. East and West Egg was flooded by the idea of being rich but, the way of getting there became different for people. Some being born into money, others finding their way into it. Although, time after time it proved that putting your whole focus on achieving this dream drove other things further away. Daisy, Gatsby, and Wilson all had dreams of being rich but, things quickly changed for them when their dreams didn't go as planned. Daisy’s dreams we're very contradicting from eachother. She wanted to find her true love but needed him to be rich. She found …show more content…

The whole book is to truly explain what Gatsbys dream was. He constantly strived to reach that green light, which was Daisy. He knew that to get to Daisy he would have to achieve to typical american dream; live a rich life style with nice, materialistic things. One dream led to another for Gatsby. When he finally achieved being rich he was able to get closer to Daisy. The green light was now Daisy sitting right in his home an admitting her love for him. He was just in reach before everything came crashing down. Daisy had a past that Gatsby thought he could forget. “Im going to fix everything just the way it was before.” (Chapter 6) Gatsby had a different way of getting rich than what Daisy thought and it left her not trusting him. For Gatsby it didnt matter to him how it got to being rich, he just wanted to be abe to prove he was just as good as Tom. While this was Gatsby’s dream, he would never truly be abel to achieve it and it led to his death. A death for something he did not do. Wilson wanted to make a better life for him and his wife. He lived in the valley of ashes and owned a gas station. He wanted to get myrtle out of that life and go travel. “I’ve been here too long. I want to get away. My wife and I want to go West.” (Chapter 7) Day in an day out he worked to try to make a better life for himself. Although when his wife died things came crumbling down for him and all the plans reversed. He was no longer living for him