How Did Edgar Allan Poe Have Rabies

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Poe was a drunk but he could also be genius at some points in time. I think Poe died from too much alcohol. I think this because Poe was known as a drunk. And, it would be pretty obvious if he had rabies because you would be able to tell. If Poe died of rabies he would have most likely got it from his cat but, his cat didn't have it. However, Poe died of alcohol because he had a lethal amount of alcohol. We also know this because they found no bites or scratches on Poe. Many people believe Poe died of rabies, however, there is not enough evidence to support this claim. One quote from the story saying Poe didn’t have rabies was, ''there is no evidence that a rabid animal had bitten Poe''. There are no signs of any types of animal bites on Poe which meant Poe had no rabies. We also know this because, there is no evidence saying there was scratches or any bites. Another textual evidence from the story was, ''Rabies was well known as to causes and symptoms, including itching and other sentations that affect limb side of the body''. We know this because the Doctors that was taking care of Poe couldn’t have missed a rash on him or him itching his limbs or an entire part of his body. …show more content…

One textual evidence is, ''Poe may have been too drunk to care about protecting himself againest the wind and the rain. We know this because when people get drunk that tend to not care about there well being. Another textual evidence about Poe dying from alcoholism was, ''Poe was found outside at Baltimore Saloon in an alcoholic stupor on October 3, 1849 and died four days later.'' When Por was is the hospital he had a Dr. Named Dr. Snotgrass. DR. Snotgrass tributed his death to a lethal amount of alcohol. Also, some newspapers said he died from ''congestion at the brain.'' They said Poe drank so much alcohol and did not care about getting sick. Which could have also caused congestion on his brain and could've took a big part in Poe's