How Did Eugenics Cause Ww2

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After the devastating tragedies of World War I, people around the globe believed they had experienced “the war to end all wars;” however, in the late 1930s and early 1940s, another war broke out and proved to be more destructive and deadly. This was World War II. While World War I introduced new technologies, like machine guns and biplanes, World War II showed the violent power of concentration camps and nuclear power. Totalitarian leaders also added to the death total because these leaders were able to filter what information citizens in their countries could see. This filtered information targeted whoever the leaders considered to be “enemies,” and then they created frustrated citizen-filled armies who murdered theses “enemies,” sometimes by hand. New technologies and targeting civilians were the main factors that lead World War II to becoming the deadliest war in modern times. One of the most recognizable leaders of World War II was Adolf Hitler. In 1933, President Paul von Hindenburg …show more content…

This gave him the best way to solve his “problem.” Hitler decided to start excommunicating and then executing his “enemies.” In 1933, Hitler passed laws that banned Jews from several aspects of life including government service, law practice, and schools. Also, Hitler decided to build the first concentration camp in Germany, Dachau. These types of camps were basically work prisons with extremely poor, dirty conditions. When World War II officially began, with the invasion of Poland, Germany began to put Jews inside of these camps where they worked themselves to death. But in 1941, the first horrific extermination camp was built in Poland with a sole purpose of killing enemies to the Nazi regime, Jews, Gypsies, etc. This horror went on to be the Holocaust, and German leadership believed that this was perfectly