How Did Franklin D Roosevelt Make America

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The presidency of the United States 32nd president, Franklin D Roosevelt, was one of trial and error over his 12 year service in office that would change key aspects of America. He was one of the only presidents to serve three terms during a stretch of turbulent times globally. Roosevelt as a president stepped up and took advantage of the global turmoil to bring America out of the Depression, establish America as a military force, and redefine the role that government plays in the lives of everyday Americans during his presidency. Throughout his presidency F. D. Roosevelt had to balance both foreign and domestic policies to put America in the best position.
When Roosevelt won the 1932 election over Hoover, he had many people expecting him to turn America around from one of the most catastrophic economic plunges that America has …show more content…

(#) With his newly united Democratic party, Roosevelt was ready to take on America’s many problems. “The Great Depression in the United States began on October 29, 1929, a day known forever after as “Black Tuesday,” when the American stock market–which had been roaring steadily upward for almost a decade–crashed, plunging the country into its most severe economic downturn yet.” (1) Within his first one hundred days in office he immediately began to tackle America’s economic struggle through bank reform. His bank reform can be noted to have set the United States back on the right track. After a four day bank holiday Roosevelt rolled out the Banking Act of 1932. These policies would increase the government's involvement in the money flow of the nation. An example of this is with Roosevelt’s golden standard