How Did George Washington Shaped Future Presidents

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On April 30, 1789, George Washington was elected as the first president of the United States, a job that nobody knew what it entailed at the time. Yes, it means leading the country, but how? How could he turn this scarred and divided country into a strong and united country after a time of war? Since then, we have had 45 presidents who have each had their own impact, but none as dramatic as Washington. George Washington’s presidency fundamentally shaped future presidents through his farewell address, use of advisership, and his regulation of executive orders First off, in September 1796, George Washington released his farewell address to the public. This paper addressed the end of his presidency while setting numerous precedents for future dictators down the line. First off, just the idea of …show more content…

Also, before he sent the troops to deal with the Whiskey Rebellion, he made sure to check with the judicial branch that what he was doing was justified. This is yet another example of Washington shaping how orders are given as the president of the USA. To this day, presidents can not proceed with many actions unless they get checked by the judicial branch beforehand to ensure that their actions are “constitutional”. However, Washington set a model for what situations this would not be necessary to. The Neutrality Proclamation was one of George’s most notable uses of executive power, where he made this proclamation without the consent of the judicial branch. This action taken by the first president set an example for future dictators of America to follow. It set a model for the president's ability to make foreign policies independently. This was another example set by Washington of how executive order will be used over time. Thus, Washington's approach to executive orders remains a cornerstone of presidential authority, impacting American political and administrative practices to this