How Did Google's Art Change The World?

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Finding art used to be extremely hard to come by, and finding that “diamond in the rough” was the ultimate goal. People would have to travel to auctions to maybe, or maybe not, find what they want. They may have an idea of what is desired, but they would never know until the piece of art was actually seen. The whole process of finding art changed with the advent of the Internet, because it lead way for a certain online tool that forever changed the world. In 1990, the first search engine was created. The Internet was riding on a wave of growth, and many people decided to take the opportunity the Internet presented. This was no exception for the mega-corporation, Google. With Google’s massive search engine, Art became easier to find and positively influenced the art industry. The history of Google extended a bit before their search engine came about. Larry Page and Sergey Brin started the idea of Google in 1997. Only a year later, Google became a legal corporation on September 4, 1998. Over the next few years, the company focused on growth and solidifying their search engine. By the 2000s, the search engine was in full force. Google started to make millions as AdWords was created, their main source of income. In 2001, the first international office was created. As well, Google images was introduced. This was crucial for the art industry, as this was the first time people could view art by searching on …show more content…

Within the last year, Art has been searched, on average, over 4 million times every month. That statistic is impressive in and of itself, however it becomes astounding when coupled with the statistics provided by Artprice, a leading research company within the art market. Artprice has shown that since 2000 the art market has grown between 75-100%. This is especially due to the influence Google had on the art

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