How Did Gutenberg Revolutionized The World

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Many book-lovers have expressed a fine criticism of the high standards achieved in the creation of the Gutenberg Bible, some describing it as one of the fascinating books ever printed at that time. The quality of both the ink and other materials and the printing itself have been recognized. Gutenberg was such a genius that all the improvement he established was not changed or added any other enhancements for more than three centuries. In addition, it is clear that Gutenberg's idea revolutionized the world, and it is unimaginable the amount of knowledge, information and ideas his inventions placed in the society at that time and still doing so over time. It is important to note that after his latest upgrades, Gutenberg's workshop was able to run off more than three hundred pages a day and yet, it was being …show more content…

Most people's ideas, thoughts, and comments are taking place now through the books, pamphlets, and broadsides. The printed information has now become the main thing discussed by people in all social levels. However, the best armament that society had to convey ideas or even to publish thoughts against or in favor to someone or something, was through the Gutenberg's improvement of the printing press invention. Nonetheless, the invention and also the improvements of the print press made by Gutenberg impacted the society in all possible and unimaginable ways that can be seen through the history of all knowledge and areas of study. To sum up, Gutenberg's idea innovated the printing press basically changing the use of wood blocks for metal instead. Named as "movable type machine" due to the movement allowed by the metal blocks, this new idea permitted him to create sentences and new words as it was able to be moved around. Through this new mechanism, Gutenberg was able to produce the very first printed book, which was a replication of the

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