How Did Harriet Tubman Become A Spy

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Harriet Tubman was born into slavery in the year of 1820 in Dorchester County, Maryland ("Harriet Tubman," n.d.). She escaped into the North, and became on of the most well known conductors of the Underground Railroads ("Harriet Tubman," n.d.). Harriet risked her life to led hundreds of slaves and families to freedom from plantations("Harriet Tubman," n.d.). She worked as an conductor of the Underground Railroad which led to her gaining skills needed to be a spy ("Harriet Tubman," n.d.). Tubman could process major abouts of information and find routes without bringing attention to herself ("Harriet Tubman," n.d.).All skills that are necessary for becoming a spy. Harriet journeyed to a Union camp in the spring of 1862 ("Harriet Tubman," …show more content…

Although she couldn’t start her work as a spy right away. Since the camp was in South Carolina Tubman was not custom to the language ("Harriet Tubman," n.d.). The people in South Carolina mostly spoke Gullah ("Harriet Tubman," n.d.). Causing a great difficulty towards Harriet trying to communicate ("Harriet Tubman," n.d.).Before Boyd could become a Union spy she worked as a cook and nurse. She sold pies and rootbeer to the Union soldiers.("Harriet Tubman," n.d.) ("Harriet Tubman," n.d.). After awhile, Harriet Tubman gathered a group of trusted slaves to scout Confederate territories along with mapping waterways. ("Harriet Tubman," n.d.). She went to colonel James Montgomery and formed a group of about 150 soldiers on gunboats. ("Tubman During," n.d.). Since Tubman and slave scouts had already gathered information about the Confederates beforehand , the 150 soldiers traveling along the Combahee River were able to surprise the Confederates. ("Tubman During," n.d.). The Union Army started to burn down plantations and over 700 slaves would be carried to freedom from the gunboats("Tubman