How Did Harriet Tubman Contribute To The Civil War

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I believe Harriet Tubman is the most admirable women in history. Harriet Tubman Made so many contributions to the civil war and helped save so many people's lives. To begin, Harriet Tubman had been abused as a child. Harriet was beaten and whipped as a child, even after this traumatic experience, she never gave up fighting for what she believed was right. Eventually, she was the conductor of the Underground Railroad. Harriet Tubman led hundreds of slaves to freedom as the conductor. She motivated the tired, starving slaves to keep going and reminded them of freedom. Next, she became known as "the Moses of her people" because she risked her life so many times to save other lives. After saving hundreds of slaves, she never left one behind. She …show more content…

Harriet Tubman was born in 1822. Originally she was named "Araminta Ross, she was nicknamed "minty." She was born in Dorchester County in Maryland. In her childhood she was whipped and beaten by her slave owners. When only a child a slave owner threw a heavy weight metal weight at another slave but, it hit her instead. The weight caused a traumatic head wound. This caused dizziness, pain and spills of hypersomnia throughout her life. As a child, she took care of her younger brother and a baby. When she was five she was hired as a "nursemaid" to a woman, who ordered Harriet to watch a baby while it slept. If the baby awoke from its sleep and cried, Harriet would be whipped. She carried scars from this abuse for the rest of her life. Harriet was a Christian. When she was younger, she was told bible stories by her mother. She rejected the New Testament and always followed the Old Testament. She claims to have had visions and vivid dreams from god. In 1849, Harriet Tubman escaped from Philadelphia, after almost immediately coming back to Maryland to rescue her family. She did this very slowly. One group at a time she brought relatives out of the state of Maryland. She always traveled by night and in extreme …show more content…

After Harriet escaped slavery, she returned to slave states to rescue slaves. The "Underground Railroad" was not actually underground nor a railroad. It was called "underground" because it was secretive and "railroad" because it was a form of transportation for slaves/fugitives. The Underground Railroad had many routes. Most routes went to northern states but, after the fugitives slave act of 1850 they started going to Canada, Mexico, or the Caribbean. The Underground Railroad used secret codes. Some coded songs were used by slaves. Some songs were "Go down Moses," steals away, and "In wade in water. "Sweet Chariot" was one of Harriet's favorite songs. The Underground Railroad provided houses, transportation and aid. The majority came from upper southern states; very few escaped from the deep southern states. On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln provided the "Emancipation Proclamation." This was liberating slaves in the southern states. After the war ended, the thirteenth amendment was approved and added to the constitution in 1865. This obliterated slavery in the United States and was the end of the Underground