How Did Henry Ford Build A Free Enterprise System

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Today transportation has never been easier with the invention of the car or automobile. These 3000-4000 pounds of metal is the main methods of transportation for America. Whether it be by taxi, bus, or even by your own car you bought yourself going to your destination. However, none of this would be possible if it was not for Henry Ford in a free enterprise system. The free enterprise system allowed Henry Ford to create a product that allowed all of the lower class and upper class to afford an automobile.

At a young age Ford taught himself to fix watches which taught the young Ford on the basics of machines. However, when Ford got older he actually did not start in working in machinery in fact he actually started his career in farming to support his family. Soon Ford's natural talents …show more content…

In a free enterprise system it is all about the competition, whether or not you can provide great service but as well as create a great product. Now Henry Ford wanted to create a product that was not only simple but inexpensive to drive for the mass so Ford supported the assembly line. The assembly line allowed Ford to mass produce his cars which made it inexpensive for the mass. Free enterprise allowed Ford to decide what to produce for his company allowed Ford to decide how much to produce without much regulation. In a free enterprise system people called entrepeneurs like Ford take risks to make a profit and thats exactly what Ford did. Ford changed the price of his Model T's from 850 dollars to 600 dollars. Soon Ford's sales went from 18,000 to a astonishing 168,000 cars being sold. Something you probably couldnt do anywhere else where the free enterprise system wasn't mainstream. Ford was able to revolutionize the auto industry and with many choices from himself whether it be to hire this many people or buy this many parts for his