How Did Henry Ford Contribute To The Industrial Revolution

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Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution changed everything for the world. It shaped the way we live and function today. The Industrial Revolution is the reason why so many things are facilitated for us now. Although, the Industrial Revolution was so long ago the effects of it shaped our nation. The Industrial Revolution was effectively created a new economic system known as “capitalism.” It changed and impacted our society and every individual person.

Basically, the Industrial Revolution had such an impact on our nation because machines were developed to complete tasks that were once done by people or in some cases animals like horses.

The Industrial Revolution was the change from an agrarian society to a more industrial one …show more content…

Several brilliant minds contributed to beginning and the growth of the revolution. Some people are more prominent than others but nonetheless they all had a huge contribution to the Industrial Revolution. One of the great minds behind the Industrial Revolution is Henry Ford. Henry Ford was by far one of the most imperative inventors in the Industrial Revolution. He was born on July 30 on his parents’ farm in Michigan. He was always curious and enjoyed trifling with machines. He gained knowledge and ample opportunity for research at his job at a machine shop in Detroit. Later on he was employed by Westinghouse Engine Company part time where he received the experience that later on played a vital role in his life. Henry attempted to create an automobile company twice and failed both times. The third time was the charm and it proved to be successful and victorious, thus, the Ford Motor Company was born. The first Model T was created in 1908. Ford simplified the production process by making all the cars the same color. Henry Ford made it possible for every part of the …show more content…

Henry Bessemer was an English engineer, businessman, and inventor. He was the one to develope the first inexpensive method for mass-production of steel. Steel became an essential material and it is used to make just about anything. For example, appliances, tools and machines, ships, buildings and infrastructure. Henry Locke is also important during this era. He was an English civil engineer. He is most famous and known for being an important railway pioneer. He built the Grand Junction Railway which connected