How Did Hitler Become A Totalitarian Government

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Through history, various communist governments have controlled countries globally. Such governments can be described as ruthless, destructive, successful, destined to fail, and even necessary. The adjective one would use to describe it would really be based off of your position and mind set of the time and place. The book “1984” by George Orwell was based off the imagination of what it would be like if one of these totalitarian governments took over a free country such as London. The book, according to Orwell, was based off of the totalitarian government of Hitler’s Germany. While Germany and its government were a huge contributor to this ideal, one would have to study other various totalitarian governments that have also seen success in their rule. Countries such as North Korea, china, the republic of Stalin, and of course, the source of the ideal, Hitler’s Germany. Given all of these sources one may be able to see what exactly gave Orwell the idea to write his great novel. Looking at many ideas and sources is the start to all creative master pieces, looking at these ultimate governments one can surely let their …show more content…

However, one must remember that Hitler was not born the cruel, vicious tyrant that he became. His life was governed by both his choices and his life experiences, so it is important to examine these along with his persuasive method to gain a comprehensive understanding of why he used his gift of persuasion in the way that he did. Hitler was a prime example of complete power to the entire world. In his process he inspired a passionate George Orwell to imagine and picture a free country where the government had complete power over its people. A place where people would easily be controlled and submit to an absolute