The eighteenth and nineteenths centuries brought big changes to Great Britain. The transformation of Britain into the industrial country with the help of an industrial development was a gradual and slowly process that started in the eighteenth century. This underlying industrial trend continually influenced and changed the British nation through the following nineteenth century. Great Britain was becoming the centre of an industrial life and world of ideas. Cotton mills and ironworks transformed and industrialized Northern England. While the north was transformed into an industrialized part of the country, the south, represented and dominated first of all by London, was the centre of commerce, politics, intelligence, science …show more content…
If we should answer the question, what is the purpose of literature at all, we will get several responses. It can be said that early literary works mostly had religious or didactic purpose or even moralizing. Literature as written art in which a writing device is used to put words on paper can have hundreds of purposes, but there are some of the most important ones here. Literature has a very important function within the context of society and history. Literature is simply an instrument of the world changes because the whole world civilization is based on communication. Literature can be then considered as a fine communication to express our thoughts, wishes, hopes, presumptions and ideas and at the same time as a device to get to know about different people and races and their history. History, language, culture, science and art – that everything depends on continuous communication. The whole life of ours depend on the communication. The literature containing information about a race or people gives us the hints, clews which they have been recorded through the time. Another purpose of literature is to entertain. Such entertainment might invoke horror and sadness, sorrow or disappointment as well as laughter, surprise, enthusiasm and excitement. And the final and the most important purpose of literature is the expression of self. Self-expression, speaking our minds stands with the fact that all human beings are capable to express themselves with help of language and literature. Literature helps people discover and find themselves. It puts its readers inside into their feelings, thoughts, pasts, futures, wishes, dreams and values. From the above mentioned facts we can conclude that also the eighteenth and nineteenth-century literature in Britain had