How Did James Madison Contribute To The Constitution

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“Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives,” - James Madison. James Madison, the fourth president of the United States of America, known as the ‘father of the Constitution’, and founder of the Democratic Republican party. For all that he accomplished, James Madison deserves an A for the work he did as president. According to the textbook, Madison was a hard worker and had a thirst for learning. The Princeton College graduate tried studying law shortly after graduating; but once he read a letter containing ideas about political theory, he was hooked. Before the Constitutional Convention which started his legacy, Madison spent hours upon hours studying government structures from around the world. While he did not personally write every part of the Constitution, he was a key player in all discussions and argued for population-based representation and the need for checks and balances. …show more content…

However, he was more of a writer than a fighter. In a letter to friend William Bradford, Madison stated; “There is something at hand that shall greatly augment the history of the world,”. Putting his talents to good use, Madison showed a lot interest in reworking the language of religious freedom during the 1776 Virginia Convention. Madison furthered this into his contributions to the US Constitution. As a member of the once newly created House of Representatives, James Madison introduced the first ten amendments to the constitution that would soon become known as the Bill of Rights. These amendments guarantee our individual rights as citizens, such as freedom of speech, religion and the press. Madison overall had written one of the most significant pieces of writing in US history. ( &