How Did Jane Austen's Life Affect Her Writing

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Jane Austen was famous for her impeccable storytelling and exquisite writing of fiction novels. Her works competed against the great writers of the romance period. Jane’s struggles of publishing her books influenced the women of Britain to follow their dreams regardless of the outcome. Her life established a good example for the people to not lose hope in their talent. The struggles in her life led to creating novels, present as an example for the women of Britain to follow their dreams. Some factors in Jane’s life impacted her to begin the journey of writing. This journey of writing gave her chance to portray her identity to the world.
Jane had a strong supporting family which established a positive effect on Jane and her accomplishments. …show more content…

Two major works of Jane are Sense & Sensibility and Pride & Prejudice. Jane did not experience an easy approach in publishing her works. When Jane finished her first work, Sense & Sensibility, the publisher rejected it which was an unacceptable event for Jane (Baker 8). Jane did not allow this cheerless event to take a negative impact on herself. Her reaction towards the rejection of publishing her works was unimaginable. She did not let herself be discouraged from continuing her writing skills. She took the rejection as an advice to improve her writing styles ( Baker 8). Jane did not stop writing because of the fear of becoming a failure at life. She cared less about the perspectives of people towards her work. More than once, Jane had been denied from publishers to accept her work which only encouraged her to write more. Her attitude towards failures constructed a positive view of Jane in front of the women of Britain. The struggles Jane went through to publish her works inspired women in following their …show more content…

“ Moreover, Austen never desired fame, and she knew of a remarkable precedent for anonymity” (“Jane Austen”). Attaining fame was never a dream for Jane, for the purpose of publishing her works she used fake names. She did not write to satisfy others instead all her works were written to satisfy herself. Once Jane replied to a recommendation by a reader, "I could no more write a romance than an epic poem. I could not sit seriously down to write a serious romance under any other motive than to save my life; and if it were indispensable for me to keep it up and never relax into laughing at myself or at other people, I am sure I should be hung before I had finished the first chapter. No, I must keep to my own style and go on in my own way; and though I may never succeed again in that, I am convinced that I should totally fail in any other” (Lombardi). She acknowledges that even if she fail at being successful in her own writing style, she won 't be disappointed at herself because it was something she loved doing. Jane explains that her goal in writing fiction does not evoke in financial reasons. Jane chose to write to express her understanding of life through arts. Jane pursued the dream of writing without demanding value to the views of other people towards her work. Jane did not want appreciation from others to evaluate her accomplishments as